Why Work for CHS
Tired of working somewhere where you feel like you are meeting the company’s needs more than the elder’s needs? Come work for Creative Health Solutions where we focus on the care of the elder….. where our focus is staff education and innovation so we can provide the best elder-care possible!
We put the patient’s clinical decision-making in your hands… it’s not a decision driven by someone in the corporate office.
Cutting-edge therapy equipment to help you achieve superior clinical outcomes.
Innovation…… keeping abreast of the latest advances and techniques to optimize the quality of services we provide.
Realistic therapist to assistant ratios to support optimal patient care and clinical development of our team members.
Clinical pathways and clinical mentorship available to assist you in meeting patient needs.
Our commitment to your clinical development provides you with a subscription to unlimited on-line CEU’s.
Extensive documentation training and support – (along with your own personal computer at work) to provide you the tools you need
Employee recognition programs recognizing clinical excellence and involvement in
our robust student program
We support this by core company values and an operational model that focuses on customer partnerships and the things therapists need to achieve optimal clinical outcomes for their patients.
Realistic productivity expectations – no working off the clock!
Availability of your Rehab Director and Regional Manager for involvement in day to day activities which foster customer partnerships and support interdisciplinary care.
A strong sense of ethics which guides our course and is our foundation.
Some of the lowest turnover rates you will find in the industry!
It’s about the patient in our view….and how we can support you in meeting the patient’s needs. It’s not about what you can do to help make us successful. Find out what the Creative Health Solutions Family is all about!
Our Equipment
Alter G®
For seniors with an interest in active aging, the Anti-Gravity Treadmill™ system can change the way you live. AlterG® allows you to move, walk, run, build strength, and improve cardio conditioning in a comfortable, pain-free environment. Keep your body active without the risk of falling or impact stress injury. AlterG® can be found in senior care centers and outpatient physical therapy facilities around the world. Uses air pressure to gently unweight you from 100% to as low as 20% of body weight in precise 1% increments for low-impact, pain-free movement.
Aspire 2
The Aspire2 neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) and biofeedback (sEMG) device offers many advantages with pre-set and customizable options. The sEMG biofeedback function provides an opportunity for capturing, measuring and visualizing electrical signals of the targeted musculature. This objective data gathering tool provides a foundation for baseline assessments, ongoing treatment progress and a positive feedback loop for patient interaction.
Biodex develops technology for advancing patient progress addressing the weak or balance deficient. Rehabilitation technology to address neuromuscular evaluation, therapeutic exercise, gait training and range of motion difficulties in patients suffering from Strokes, Parkinson's Disease, Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injury, Orthopedic and Vestibular.
Juvent Health’s patented system uses the science of low-magnitude mechanical impulses to safely exercise your bones, muscles, and joints. The Juvent Health Micro-Impact Platform® sends carefully calibrated mechanical energy waves up through your body. These tiny waves gently move your body and increase blood flow, helping bones and joints recover naturally.
While each therapist has a diverse array of patients, Keiser® programs and range of fitness equipment align in the ability to help return patients back to their personal speed of life quicker AND more safely. Our machines are engineered to maximize results, re-training patients’ neuromuscular systems so they regain agility, coordination, strength, power and control.